About Me

Behind The Devon Mum.

Seeing as you seem to have stumbled across my little corner of this huge place we call the internet I thought I ought to tell you a little bit about me. Don’t worry, I won’t ramble, although I do have a tendency to. So I guess that’s the first little tit bit about me. But more importantly, My name is Sarah. I’m 27 and a mummy to a beautiful little 5 year old girl. I’m engaged to my partner of 8 years (I’m still awaiting my medal) and we live in sunny (definitely not so sunny) North Devon. All of that thrown together is where we began as ‘The Devon Mum’. 

This is me. The Devon mum. Just a normal, working mum that lives in Devon. I’m certainly no fashion blogger, mum chic is my jam. As the posts begin to build up on my little corner of the internet you’ll see what life entails for me and my passions and dreams. Well, that’s the plan at least. 

All posts on this page will be based entirely on my own thoughts and opinions. Just to get that legal bit out of the way to begin with. 
